Sunday, May 31, 2009

Somewhere in Belgium?

Someone from Belgium "friended" me on Ravelry and I receive updates to her blog. I cannot read any of it but a recent posting of hers is lovely. I would love to be able to go to this yarn store.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

McCrabby Shawl

It's done. It's lovely and squooshy and the kids keep stealing it from me. I think I'll be making another. And thank you to DD #1 for being my model.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Wind Down

I really love this time of year when things begin to wind down. Volleyball season has ended. Girl Scouts ended tonight. End of the year events are happening at school. All this leads up to the easy breezy days of summer. Sleeping in, camps, vacations and no schedules. As the girls have gotten older I fight more for down time. Our schedules can get too crazy during the school year.

I'm trying to finish up some knitting as well. I want to move on from my spring knitting to my summer knitting. I need to finish up the items below.


First is a pair of socks for my DH who wears a 13 shoe. Big socks! Second is my Crabby Shawl. I am loving knitting this and I think a second one is in order. I just bought 5 skeins of Lorna's Laces Lion and Lamb on Ravelry and I think it will make a beautiful shawl. The last item is my drop stitch scarf. It's been my in the carpool line knitting and I just want to be done with it.

My summer knitting will consist of She Knits Mystery Bag KAL and the Socks from the Toe Up KAL. I'm sure I will throw something else into the mix but that's plenty for now. No over committing!

I've also began my summer reading. I've started the Twilight series and think that will be perfect beach/back yard reading. I didn't think I would like it but I'm hooked. Please hold back on giving me flack. I know it's drivel but drivel can be good for the summer.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Why Bother

I'm not a fan of cooking dinner. I like eating it but hate the idea of planning it and then having to cook it. This is not the greatest of traits for a stay-at-home mom. Today I did force myself to plan and cook a nice homecooked meal. The kids however, will not be here to eat it. They are eating at friends. That always seems to happen. Why bother? I guess the positive side would be that my husband and I will eat a nice meal in peace...provided he gets home before the kids do. For now, I'll enjoy the quiet and a cool evening on the porch.

Monday, May 11, 2009


I mentioned in the last post that I would be knitting Shawl that Jazz. I went onto Blue Moon Fiber Arts and poured over all their colorways before choosing Crabby McCrabbypants. The name and colors just spoke to me. It would be perfect. The other night I was sitting on the couch next to a quilt I made years ago, knitting away on my shawl. I went to set my knitting down while I went to get a drink when I noticed that the colors in my yarn were the exact colors I had chosen for the quilt. And when I say exact, I mean exact. Take a look for yourself. If anything, I'm consistent.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Keeping Up

Better late than never. I have just finished a February Lady Sweater for DD#2. She requested a short sleeve, button at the top only sweater. I said yes as long as she agreed to stashed yarn. And being the agreeable girl she is, she chose my recently purchased lot of Mission Falls Wool. She is a bright girl to pick out a machine washable yarn. Next we scanned through patterns on Ravelry and she chose the FLS. That worked for me because I was definitely behind the crowd in getting one made.

I found the buttons at JoAnn's and thought they suited her. She once again was very agreeable. You gotta love that kid.

Now I'm onto the next craze. Shawl that Jazz. The Yarnharlot just completed one and I immediately had to make one. My BMFA Twisted in Crabby McCrabbypants showed up earlier this week and I'm ready to go. I love the colorway name and intend on using my shawl when I'm crabby. That and a little whiskey and coke. :)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

My First Lace Shawl

Pattern: Shetland Triangle from Wrap Style
Yarn: Wollmeise colorway Raku-Regenbogen
Needle: US 7

I haven't decided yet if I will make another shawl. I'm not really the shawl type. I did enjoy the knitting though. The process went so quickly. I knit this in 2 weeks, not working on it exclusively.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Favorite Thing Friday

If you don't have one of these you should. We just ordered this from Cabelas at the ridiculously low price of $29. We actually ordered 2 but only one (MINE!) is here. They are factory seconds which is why the price is so low, but soooo well worth it. Perfect for a warm spring day.