Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Summer of Knitting

I have been doing a lot of knitting this summer. Lot's of socks. I decided to participate in the Summer of Socks 2008 because I have lots of sock yarn to burn and what better way then to do it with your peers. I am by far not keeping up with the others but it is keeping me moving along.

Socks are also the perfect summer knitting. I would like to say that I've been knitting everywhere on our many summer vacations but that is not the case. The farthest my knitting has been from home is the neighborhood pool. DH was tied up with work the beginning of the summer and then in mid-July he had knee surgery. It's been a long 3 weeks for me and him. He's been housebound and had to have everyone wait on him hand and foot. While in the beginning he was soaking it up, now he is very restless. Just this weekend he went to the pool and is now back to tinkering in his woodshop. No golf for him for awhile but hopefully I can keep him busy with the list of things I want him to make.

So back to knitting. Here is a mosaic of what I have been up to. Details are of course on Ravelry (fallsknit).

My creation

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